
Stručna praksa / pripravnički staž za buduće prevoditelje

Europska središnja banka organizira stručnu praksu / pripravnički staž za buduće prevoditelje.

The Directorate General Communications and Language Services of the European Central Bank (ECB) is seeking applications from recent graduates or students who are close to completing their studies to participate in a traineeship in the Language Services Division for a period of three months.

While at the ECB, the trainee will be expected to contribute to the translation of texts from English into Croatian, and the revision and proof-reading of texts in Croatian destined for publication.

Successful applicants will also be expected to identify, extract and compile terminology – in particular, in the financial and economic fields – and to align relevant previously translated texts.

Further information on the traineeship can be found at https://www.ecb.europa.eu/careers/vacancies/html/vacancydetails.en.html?id=005056853E201EE5A4D0687E4C1EBF4A


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