
Poziv na predavanje profesorice Meredith Jones: Transgressive Vulvas and the Curated Self: Virtual and Real Media-Bodies

U sklopu SMOQUA - Festivala queer i feminističke kulture (Smoqua - Festival queer i feminističke kulture: Nemapirani teritoriji | Udruga LORI) Centar za ženske studije Filozofskog fakulteta u Rijeci poziva na predavanje Transgressive Vulvas and the Curated Self: Virtual and Real Media-Bodies profesorice Meredith Jones u petak, 8. listopada 2021. godine s početkom u 14 sati putem Zoom platforme.

Abstract: This paper investigates changing notions of the real, working around the idea of 'media-bodies'. The current global move in media from textuality to visuality as primary mode of communication remains undertheorised. In terms of social media, we now expect and accept that images of bodies have been carefully lit, filtered and cropped, and that even those with the #nofilter hashtag are highly curated. Despite this, we continue to adhere to notions of the real and the authentic, using them to denote value, especially when judging women's worth. In this presentation I argue that the lines between virtual and real, corporeal and represented, two-dimensional and three-dimensional are increasingly blurred. I propose that when the fleshy ‘real’ body/face is reconciled with the one that appears on screen, what we are creating is a 'curated self'.
O predavačici: Meredith Jones je transdisciplinarna znanstvenica koja radi na sjecištu feminističkih teorija tijela, medija, komunikacija, rodnih studija i kulturalnih studija. Za naslov Beautyscapes: Mapping Cosmetic Surgery Tourism Meredith Jones je, skupa s Ruth Holliday i Davidom Bellom, osvojila nagradu Zaklade za sociologiju zdravlja i bolesti 2020. Njezi rad Skintight: An Anatomy of Cosmetic Surgery, temeljni je tekst u studijama o kulturi preobrazbe, estetskoj kirurgiji i feminističkim teorijama tijela. Drugi naslovi: Cosmetic Surgery: A Feminist Primer (s Cressidom Heyes), serija Trunk (sa Suzanne Boccalatte) koja uključuje kurirane zbirke umjetničkih djela i eseje o kosi i krvi. Meredith Jones je direktorica Instituta za zajednice i društvo Sveučilišta Brunel u Londonu.


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