1. International projects (current)
Service learning in higher education - fostering the third mission of universities and civic engagement of students – Department of Education
Transnational Alignment of English Competences for University Lecturers – Department of English Language and Literature
Arts and Humanities Entrepreneurship Hubs – Department of Cultural Studies
Infant Theory of Mind – Department of Psychology
Mental Health promotion of cobot Workers in Industry 4.0– Department of Psychology
2. International projects (finished)
Advancing the European Multilingual Experience (AThEME)
e-Confidence: Confidence in behavior changes through serious games
University Educators for Sustainable Development (UE4SD Project)
Strategies of Symbolic Nation Building in West Balkan States
3. Croatian Science Foundation Projects
Database of Project Activities in Science and Higher Education in Croatia
4. Projects funding by University of Rijeka
Catalogue of Knowledge
This booklet contains an overview of the scientific-research and art projects of the University of Rijeka registered in 2018, and approved for institutional funding up to 2021.