
Lifelong Learning

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences offers the following lifelong learning programmes:
  1. Supplementary Pedagogical and Psychological Education for Teachers (SPPE)
  2. Teacher Competencies in Higher Education Institutions: Learning and teaching (TCHEI‑LT)
  3. Teacher Competencies in Higher Education Institutions: Evaluation of knowledge (TCHEI‑EK)
  4. Teacher Competencies in Higher Education Institutions: Quality assurance in higher education (TCHEI‑QAHE)
  5. Teacher Competencies in Higher Education Institutions: Modern teaching methods (TCHEI‑MTM)
  6. Teacher Competencies in Higher Education Institutions: Critical thinking (TCHEI‑CT)
  7. Professional Language Training of Teachers for English in Higher Education (EHE)
  8. How to Write a Scientific Paper in English
  1. Applied Course of the Croatian Language for Proofreaders and Translators (ACCLPT)
  2. "School of Journalism: Ethics Culture Design - NOVINA.RI"
  3. Young People in Modern Society
  4. Learning of Croatian as a Second and Foreign Language: School of Croatian Language, Culture and Civilization and an Intensive Croatian Language Course
  5. Contemporary Poland: Language and Culture
  6. Professional Development for Italian Language, Communication and Culture 1 and 2 (Corso di perfezionamento di lingua, comunicazione e cultura italiana 1, 2)
  7. Professional Development: Contemporary Topics from the Italian Language and Literature Programmes
  8. Differential Education for Enrolment in the Graduate Study of Education (DEE)
  1. UNICULT 2020

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